
Charleston Basket Brigade Becomes First Organization On New Mobile App

bb-logo1Our social media team is always searching for innovative ways to reach a wider audience and promote our clients through a variety of platforms. The Charleston Basket Brigade has a mission to feed local families a hearty meal for Thanksgiving and is a cause that is very near and dear to our hearts because our Agency Principal, Pam Hartley, is a co-founder of the charity.

Recently, on behalf of the Charleston Basket Brigade, we became a part of an exciting new community mobile app called Pushlocal. In fact, the Charleston Basket Brigade is the first non-profit organization to join with Pushlocal in the Charleston market!

The app allows followers and fans to stay updated with the CBB’s mission to feed 20,000 local residents this Thanksgiving, as well as the option to donate directly from the app. We are excited to track social media interaction through the app for this year’s Charleston Basket Brigade event and future Basket Brigades in upcoming years.

Download thePushlocal app today and connect with us!

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