
Connectionomics Launched!

Would you be more likely to read a book, visit a company, or call an expert based on the recommendation of someone you trust?  The answer is undoubtedly yes.  92% of Americans rate word of mouth of friends, family, and others as the best source of ideas and information.*   There’s no doubt that word of mouth referrals are the single most cost effective marketing strategy out there.

What is word of mouth?

Your customers have an amazing experience and tell a friend, who tells a friend, and so on.  This is essentially FREE advertising and it works to deliver customers to your door.

How can you instigate this kind of phenomenon?

Connectionomics is Momentum’s word of mouth approach to harnessing the power of relationships, technology, and social media to grow your business through a specific methodology.  Our expert strategies and tactics drive powerful word of mouth to deliver exponential results.

Let us show you how easy it is to build word of mouth buzz for your organization.  Schedule a GROW IT! Consultation & Idea Session now at info@momentumresults.com or give us a call at 843.377.8450.

*Source: GfK NOP/Roper 2005 
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