
Is Your Website Mobile-Compatible?

Did you know by the year 2013, it’s estimated there will be 1.7 billion mobile internet users? That alone was a number estimated in 2008, so it could be an even more staggering amount as more users access the internet via their cell phones throughout 2012. Therefore, making your website mobile-friendly needs to be a top priority for your business. Here are a few factors to consider:

  • Limit images. Images are often the last elements of a webpage to load, and scrolling past them on a 2×3 inch screen just gets in the reader’s way. By keeping your images to a minimum, you’ll encourage readers to find the information they’re looking for quicker – and possibly stay on your website longer.
  • Remove Flash. While Flash looks great on a regular computer screen, it just doesn’t translate to a mobile device. If you’re requiring your fans to jump through intro screens and scrolling photos, chances are they’ll scroll on past to the next website that lets them view content clearly and quickly.
  • Strip it down. Is your website copy tight, concise and to the point? Mobile readers aren’t dancing around your website to find an answer and don’t have the patience to keep clicking through one link to the next. Make sure your text is as minimally informative as possible.

Want more strategies to build your business through your website? Contact Momentum today.

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