
Rapport is the key to growing your business

Rapport is an essential skill that every customer facing employee needs for your business to thrive.  Rapport is foundation of the extraordinary service you provide to your customers. 

What is rapport exactly?

Think about it:  ever instantly feel like you’ve known someone for years after one conversation?  Rapport is a feeling of sameness.  Basically, you’re unconscious mind relays to you… “This person is like me therefore I like them”.  It enables you to influence customers easily and effortlessly.  It also gives your team the ability to deliver the extraordinary customer care you’re committed to.  Would having the skill to build rapport with anyone, anytime serve your business?  ABSOLUTELY!   

Gaining rapport is a process of matching and mirroring.  It’s matching and mirroring body language, tonality and words. 

Your staff’s ability to influence your customer base begins with their flexibility in gaining rapport.  Think about the products or services you offer.  The ability of your team to influence your customers to try something new, purchase a product, or to recommend your business is directly proportionate to their ability to gain and maintain rapport. 

Now turn your focus outside of your current customer base.  Imagine your staff passing out business cards and asking for the opportunity to earn the business of every person they come in contact with in their personal lives!  If you want new business opportunities without spending a dime in marketing– teach your staff how to gain instant rapport with anyone anywhere!  You’ll immediately influence your customers -and potential customers- unconsciously.

Find out more about how Momentum Marketing’s rapport training can grow your revenue by contacting us at 843.377.8450 or info@momentumresults.com.

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