
Three Reasons to Vote

Today is the big day that we have all been waiting for—Election Day. We all may wonder as to why it is important that we cast our votes for who we believe should be the next president of the United States, and there are many reasons why each and every vote is crucial to the election. The list could go on and on, but we’ve chosen the top three reasons to go stand in line and vote today below.

1. It is your right as a U.S. citizen to voice your opinion and share it with the country. It took many years and many discussions to give the right to vote to every American. Don’t take that for granted and appreciate it!

2. It’s your opportunity to effect change and make a decision about what you believe is best for your country, your family and others.

3. Your vote could be the winning vote. It’s a wonderful feeling when you hear that your chosen candidate won the election. Don’t sit back at home because the lines may be long; your opinion is important and is needed by America.

Go vote today!

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