
Inside Instagram: Three Tips for Success

In 2012, Facebook purchased Instagram from its developers for $1 billion dollars. The app, at the time, lacked advertising capabilities, but the photo-editing system was edgy. Interest in the app was growing steadily. On June 21st, Instagram officially announced that their user-base had grown to over 500 million Instagrammers, claiming that the app provides 500 million “windows to the world.” Clearly Facebook’s investment has grown, and with it, the capabilities of marketing and advertising have expanded, too. Let’s take a look at three ways you can successfully grow your Instagram following.


Post quality content. If a picture is only okay or if the image is a little blurry or pixelated, don’t post it. Content flows through Instagram in the form of images, and browsers need to be wowed by a photo as they scroll past in order to take the time to look at it, like it, or even comment on it. Check out these options for increasing the quality of your company’s feed.

  1. If you’re using your phone to take photos, make sure that it has a quality camera. The new iPhone 6s features a 12-megapixel camera to take crisp, beautiful images. If you’re still taking photos with an iPhone 3, it may be time for an upgrade.
  2. Consider using a professional camera, editing the photos on the computer, and then uploading them. A good camera and professional editing can transform a mediocre photo into something awe-inspiring.


Time your posts appropriately. A great photo posted when no one is scrolling through Instagram will garner less likes and comments than a post in which timing was thoughtfully considered.

  1. The best time to post on Instagram to receive the most likes or comments will depend upon your audience. When do you think your customers will be using Instagram? Are your followers in the same time zone as you? Experiment with several options by posting at different times during the day or take a quick survey of your consumer base to see when your clientele uses the app most often.
  2. Keep in mind Instagram’s timeframe. Most posts are effective for about 4-hours; then, the photo becomes so buried in users’ feeds that they are unlikely to scroll far enough to find it.


Be thoughtful about hashtags. Hashtags position your post within the world of Instagram, linking it to other ideas and photos and making it searchable for users.

  1. Create a hashtag for your business specifically (something that no one else is likely to use) to keep a record of posts about your company, whether they’re posted by you, an employee, or a patron.
  2. Research popular hashtags. As you type a hashtag into Instagram, the app will show you how many posts exist under that category. The key is to use a hashtag that will provide the highest level of exposure for your company.


Tips like these only scratch the surface of Instagram’s capabilities. Creating a solid, well-liked feed takes time—and lots of it. Does your business need help with social media promotion? Let our experts step in and help.

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