
It's Officially Christine Osborne Day in Charleston, SC

Christine Osborne, Owner  of Wonder Works Toy Stores

Christine Osborne, Owner of Wonder Works Toy Stores

Back in April, Charleston’s Mayor Riley proclaimed May 16th “Christine Osborne Day in Charleston”, to honor of all her selfless contributions to the community.

As one of our beloved clients (she’s the owner of toy store chain Wonder Works), Christine immediately asked us to brainstorm how we could turn this proclamation into a way to serve others (that’s so Christine).

We decided to keep it simple.

Today is a day to contribute to others.  To make a difference in another’s life. To lift someone’s spirits. To put others first.  To give without any expectation to receive.

So in the spirit of this very special day and in honor of this remarkable woman, let’s all get out there and fill Christine Osborne Day with as many random acts of kindness as we can dream up. And who knows, we may feel compelled to do it again tomorrow!

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