
Momentum's Picks: Our Favorite 2011 Social Sharing Trends

Pinterest is one social sharing site to take off in 2011

It’s definitely been an amazing year for social media. From streamlined systems to creating new ways to connect via mobile, consumers are expanding their social networks on a larger – but still more personal – scale. We’re excited to see how these developments change the world of marketing and advertising in 2012, but in the meantime here are some of our favorite 2011 social media highlights:

1. Facebook Timeline. This feature just went live today with all Facebook users, and already it’s completely upgraded the way we express ourselves through the social network. Have you had a chance to explore the timeline feature yet? What do you think? (Read more about the site overhaul in our post from last week.)

2. Tumblr. Tumblr, the microblogging site that has surged ahead this year, is finally receiving the recognition it deserves from a marketing standpoint. Almost like Twitter (but with no character limit), Tumblr users can follow each other, share photos, ‘Like’ each other’s posts, and reblog posts to share them with their own followers. It’s only this year that companies have started recognizing the fun they too can have with their fans through sites like Tumblr, and we love the direction many are taking to share their brand on a whole new level (see J. Crew, NPR and Kate Spade, to name a few).

3. Pinterest. Pinterest completely took off as the latest medium that drives an addiction – the social sharing addiction, that is. Visually, the layout of Pinterest’s online inspiration boards is organized beautifully; users can start inspiration streams and find new ideas based on the pins or tags of other users. On top of this, Pinterest lets users share things they love and follow the pins their friends love. If you haven’t checked out Pinterest yet, you can request an invite. Trust us…you might get addicted. Brands and businesses are just now branching out into starting their own Pin boards, and we definitely agree that this will only take off more come 2012.

4. Spotify. A new way to listen to music online, Spotify connects with your social networks to update your friends on what you’re listening to, while also  giving you access to music no matter where you go. Compared to iTunes, which can only be accessed on machines where you have an iTunes account downloaded, it’s a new, innovative way to spread the sound, but its focus on social sharing is what really sets this music site apart.

What’s the big underlying trend for all these sites and features? The ability to share on a deeper, more complex level. As the year comes to a close, we’re excited to see what these sites further open up for us as marketers in 2012.

What other sites and trends from 2011 do you find most exciting? We’d love to know your thoughts!

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