
It's Official: Word of Mouth Still Consumers' Most Trusted Source for Information

Think that poor review on Yelp or a negative comment on your business’ Facebook page doesn’t mean much? Think again: in a recent Nielsen survey, 92% of respondents said they first trust word of mouth recommendations from people they know to help make buying decisions. 70% next said they trust consumer opinions posted online.

This information might be a bit startling, but it comes ahead of trust gained from editorial content, emails people sign up for and branded advertising. That being said, it’s best to tackle those negative reviews head-on with a calm, sensible and customer service-oriented approach, and take a stand for your business – with an apology to start.

However, taking charge of your online presence is just a drop in the bucket of your entire brand and reputation strategy. Earning your customers’ trust and sharing it via advertising, social media, interviews, public relations and more together builds a strong brand, one that vocalizes what your business is all about and what you do on a daily basis to connect with customers.

At Momentum, developing a complete strategy for your brand is how we work to grow your business and strengthen its message. Give us a call today at 843-377-8450 to start crafting that strategy today.

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